heyy guys,

Hope ya’ll doing fine at this time of the year. Spring’s around finally, a season made for plants and i just love it. I’m so ready for the warm weather, being sun kissed, blooming flowers, serenaded by birds and the greeeeeennn!! Just can’t wait for the mocks to finish in the last week of this blissful month and then spring break which im still not clear about why im excited for because then after the spring break it’s my cie for AS level and so that hypothetically means i should be studying for them during the spring break? uhm sure maybe i will do that :p

I do know how i have been MIA again for a long time but i was just really really busy to actually sit and write something. Last month was pretty rough on me honestly uhm i lost a very close friend of mine, my inspiration, my shopping buddy when i travel back to my home country, regularly commenting on how lazy i am, she always knew how to brighten us all up and make us laugh the hell out even on the dullest of days,  she was the strongest and she definitely could rock them shades even at the age of 62…my grandmother. Sadly i couldn’t be there with her when she was going through the pain because i was here in Dubai and i would say honestly that none of us even imagined this would ever happen (well no one ever does) so never actually considered maybe travelling back for a few days when she was hospitalised because this wasn’t her first ever surgery or the first time she had ever complained about a pain so it was just a big punch to the face getting the devastating news. I do regret a lot of things, i do regret not being there, i do wish i could have maybe talked to her for the whole day and more when she called 2 days before her demise.

But then again this is it, this is why life is considered precious because of the fact that you are going to lose it one day, any day and at any time without your consent. You lose someone, your heads starts messing with you, lowers you down, you get depressed, a lot of dangerous life threatening things pop up in your mind because we let it. We forget about what we should do for the deceased instead we just think about ourselves, we become selfish we stop living our lives the way we used to before because we believe how the death of one person has made it meaningLESS…we always forget to remember that praying for that one person praying for him or her to be kept away from the punishments the torture they could face in the life after death instead is meaningFUL and the only thing that can be done that actually carries worth for the demised rather than cutting yourself out from everything. Obviously like they say, that ones that really loved us never leave they will always be there with you through thick or thin through your ups and downs in your heart no matter what, for me i think memories never die and little little things around you keep reviving them constantly so it’s impossible to lose them even through the darkest of times what will stay with you were these few recollections that every object you shared with them will echo throughout YOUR life. Life is God’s possession and he can take it back whenever he wills for it, we just gota be ready and prepared which most of us ignore.

I know this wasn’t my usual kind of post but i just had a lot of things in me that i wanted to let out and share.

Dado (grandmother) i do miss you a lot and i have loved you forever, i know u are in a better place now and im never going to forget remembering you in my prayers 🙂 Thank you for the things you have shared with me and the memories you have made with me. I learnt a lot and i wont hesitate to implement…Thank you Dado.

I would just end this post now , i hope ya’ll excel at whatever you are aiming , get that job you have always wanted, get into the most prestigious uni u have been dying to get into, nail that french lasange, wing that eye liner and most importantly do something that will make a difference because things we create will live on forever not our lives.

till next time…..




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